Part time job opportunities in USA for Indian students
Part time job opportunities in USA
We all know that how expensive to live and study at a university in USA. There comes an idea about doing a well-paid job in USA while studying at university. From choosing university and state is where you need to study across cities in USA.
USA is one of the best countries for Indian students to start their career. There are main students are applying for higher studies in universities across United States. There are many universities and colleges available not only for master degree but also for bachelor’s degree and diploma courses. When someone started their career as student they are allowed to work on or off campus for a limited period of time in a week. Even some courses allow you to do internship either paid or unpaid in a renowned company. In USA every state is filled with job opportunities which have been provided by restaurants, cafes and industries. If you are interested there are part time jobs available like taxi and food delivery.
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Doing a part time job will support one financially and career wise too. Gaining some experience would most probably help you to get a better job in future. Customer service employees have mostly worked part time in some specified businesses to meet their financial requirements and allow them to grasp some knowledge and experience in the field where they work as part time employee.
In some cases students who worked part time have started to work full time and get promoted to a new position and even managerial positions. Former students who are guided by GoUSA are started as part time employees in a business and after a couple of years of experience they started their own business by the skills they got form a small part time job. University professors take students as their assistants and getting them paid by universities. On campus jobs are available only for students who perform well in their studies.
How much you can earn?
While taking a part time job people think about wages. The federal minimum wage is 7.25USD per hour and it varies by the city or state you wanted to live in. Some states have even $15 per hour and it means that there is a big impact on choosing a city and earnings. But generally speaking, depending on your job relevant experience you can earn between $7.25 to $10. As we mentioned above. On campus jobs are mostly highly paid positions and the salary is higher than the minimum wage.
Limitations for working part time
An international student is allowed to work part time but there are certain limitations to follow up. Breaking the rules will put you at risk of deportation.F1 visa allow you to work 20 hours per week on-campus in working days and 40 hours per week during holidays. To meet your financial hardship you can get more hours on campus by talking to a designated school official.
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The following are the highly paid jobs for Indian students in USA,
Campus ambassador | $10.94 |
Barista | $11.59 |
Teaching assistant | $11.85 |
Library assistant | $13.81 |
Receptionist | $13.31 |
Research study assistant | $15.48 |
Department assistant | $16.44 |
Food runner or catering assistant | $16.81 |
Sales assistant | $20.00 |
Tutor or peer mentor | $21.31 |
To find a part time job you can visit university website or student support tutors.
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